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General Dentistry

Dr. Naki and his restorative team are dedicated to saving your tooth by whatever means it takes to prevent tooth loss. Listed below you will find common treatment modalities by which your tooth can be protected:


A crown is the choice of treatment when your tooth has experienced one of the following:

  • Significant tooth structure loss due to decay

  • Internal or external fracture of existing filling and or tooth structure

  • Total loss of cusp tips by way of fracture

  • When Root Canal Therapy has been performed on a posterior tooth

  • Fracture or loss of an old crown

  • Cosmetic correction of discolored teeth

Crowns can be fabricated from two materials, gold and ceramic (tooth colored). Dr. Naki will help educate you on what material is best for your oral health.



An inlay or an onlay may be performed on a tooth when there is enough tooth structure remaining after removal of decay, old fillings and fractures. The remaining tooth structure is preserved in the design of the inlay or onlay. Dr. Naki’s objective with these restorations is to preserve the remaining tooth structure.

Inlays and Onlays can be fabricated from two materials, gold and ceramic (tooth colored). Dr. Naki will help education you on what material is best for your oral health.

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Dental Cleaning and Periodontal Therapy

Routine Dental Cleanings and Check-ups

Dr. Naki has two hygienists with over 45+ years of clinical experience combined. Your routined dental cleanings will be very thorough and personalized. Your periodontal health is a very important aspect of your overall health. Our team will do their best to provide you with the most comfortable, effective hygiene therapy.


Periodontal Therapy

Occasionally, when a patient presents with active periodontal disease (gum disease), a procedure called Scaling and Root Planing is necessary. This process is usually accomplished in 2-3 visits and requires deeper instrumentation of the teeth and gums to removed diseased tissue. Our team will make any necessary recommendations if you are in need of this treatment.

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Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry

External Tooth Whitening

One of the most conservative cosmetic services Dr. Naki currently offers is At-Home Whitening services. The process involves custom impressions made of your teeth by which custom bleaching trays are fabricated. Bleaching gel is provided with the kits to start changing the color of your teeth. The process takes anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks.

Composite Bonding

Dr. Naki can repair or enhance your anterior teeth with conservative composite bonding. If the corrections are minor, composite bonding is a fantastic way to aesthetically enhance your front teeth. One of the benefits of this procedure is it can be repaired very easily if any of the restorations are fractured.

Prepless Porcelain Veneers

Dr. Naki has pursued extensive continuing education to become a certified provider of the Durathin porcelain veneers. This is an explosive part of aesthetic dentistry that is changing the way we can provide cosmetic enhancements for patients without prepping their teeth.

The process includes a custom prototype created by Dr. Naki using tooth colored filing material that is placed directly over you front teeth. Upon the approval of the prototypes by the patient, the prepless veneers are fabricated to duplicate the prototypes exactly. The prepless veneers are like a contact lens that is permanently bonded to your tooth. One of the best parts about this treatment is there is no preparation of your teeth required. Although, not all patients are candidates for this kind of therapy, please call Dr. Naki for a consultation to see if this treatment is right for you!

Porcelain Veneers

When there is too much correction that needs to be made (color or position), a traditional porcelain veneer is the best treatment choice for your aesthetic enhancement. This procedure requires minimal preparation of your teeth in order to fabricate the porcelain veneers. The preparation is conservative and predictable long term.

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Occlusal Therapy and TMD

One of the most important aspects of how your muscles, jaw joints and teeth fit together is how you feel your “bite” is. Many patients do not have a “comfortable” bite, but function just fine. Other patients do not and need their bite assessed and adjusted.

In our practice, we believe that the foundation of all your general dentistry, aesthetic dentistry and orthodontic treatment should be your jaw joints, muscles and teeth functioning harmoniously together in a favorably adapted position. Many times in order to achieve this, patients need their “bite” evaluated and adjusted.

Dr. Naki has invested in a new technology called Tekscan. In a nutshell, it is a force analysis software that allows us to identify force timing and distribution on your teeth very accurately. By using this technology, we can assess more vividly the areas of your bite that may need to be adjusted.

In conjunction with the bite analysis, Dr. Naki can also evaluate your Temporomandibular Joint for pain, popping, clicking, etc.

Come into your appointment prepared by having your paperwork ready!

You can print and fill out our New Patient Form below.